Weekly Gatherings
At First Presbyterian, we believe spending time together and encouraging one another is crucial in building a meaningful relationship with Christ. When encouragement is absent from our lives, we feel unloved, unimportant, useless, and forgotten. God knows his people are in need of grace-filled reminders, so he calls us to encourage each other every day until his son returns. (Heb. 3:13)
Sunday, after the morning worship service, we invite you to join us as we meet for lunch and fellowship at various restaurants in the area.
On Wednesdays, 6:00–7:45pm, September through May, we have Bible Study Groups and/or Classes meeting together to delve into the Word of God more fully within a community of believers. Dinner is provided. We invite you to join us for our midweek gathering.
Prayer Groups
We have a prayer group that meets to pray for our church and community. You are encouraged to participate.
Monday mornings at 8:30 we would like for you to join us in the pastor’s office as we meet to start the week off with a time of coffee, prayer, and encouragement of one another.