Opportunities to Serve




Sunday Hospitality

Please consider hosting the refreshments following worship Sunday morning. There is a signup sheet on a clipboard in Kleberg Hall.
All that is required is shown in instructions in the kitchen, or you can coordinate with Cathy Bowlin. You may bring whatever types of refreshments you would like (just no nuts, please!).
You may set everything up before worship and then clean up afterward. 
For more information, please contact:
Cathy Bowlin,cat.bowlin@gmail.com
or ‭(765) 426-9640‬.




Chancel Choir

If you have the desire to sing and worship the Lord, why not get involved with our church choir? There is no special recommendation or skill set needed, just a willing and open heart to serve the Lord through music and song. 
Choir practices are Wednesday afternoons at 5pm. Anyone is welcome to show up and observe and/or participate!
For more information, please contact:
Brad Kisner, blkisner@yahoo.com


For more information, please contact:
Glendon Sword, masterduckster@yahoo.com
or (361)229-1477

Kids Ministry – Sunday School

(Youth, Elementary and Pre-school)

For more information, please contact:
Amy Smith, amy@firstprescc.com

Sound Technician Volunteer

For more information, please contact:
Glendon Sword, masterduckster@yahoo.com
or (361)229-1477